Providing expats who just arrived in the Netherlands a better landing

How To Dutch

The How to Dutch Box is designed to provide just arrived expats a better landing in the Netherlands, as starting a life in a new country requires expats to invest in all aspects of life. In the box you find essential and fun information as well as goodies to kickstart a life in the Netherlands. Some topics on the box are social, Dutch food and healthcare.

By providing more the necessary information, the box feels like a present. And who doesn’t like presents, especially when you come to a new country?


    SGE-i and a personal startup

  • TIME

    2019 - 2020


    Expats in the Netherlands


    Design Thinking & Lean startup


    Alicia Poels, Lena Opheij & Sybren v.d. Meer


The Netherlands has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, but it is also differs from many other companies. This is exactly what makes it difficult for expats who arrive in the Netherlands to take part in our healthcare system. We challenged ourselves to create a service that aims to take away as much as possible pains and lower the bar to access the Dutch healthcare system.

Yet, during the process we noticed that the healthcare system was only a small element that new expats find difficult to deal with.

The final product

The process

We started with stakeholder and user interviews with a focus on the Dutch healthcare system and noticed many barriers, which were not limited to healthcare. Therefore we expanded our user and stakeholder research through interviews with more users and multiple stakeholders involved during the first period of an expat in the Netherlands.

With a deeper understanding of the system and their first period of expats in the Netherlands, we started to co-create ideas with experienced expats. This resulted in the concept of a box with important and fun information about the Netherlands. The box was further developed with stakeholders involved, to ensure all information was correct and the service does not conflict with existing relevant stakeholders in the system.

After the project ended, the industry reacted positively. Thus, we decided to participate in the TU/e contest and explore the possibilities to found a startup. Furthermore, we visited workshops (e.g. about IP) to further develop the concept. These events increased our awareness of what it takes to bring the start-up to the next level. Furthermore, we contacted the Rabobank boxes manufacturers who showed their interest. We prepared the next version of the box, an MVP, to run the first pilot by providing a small batch of boxes to some expats from a multinational, but then the situation changed. The group members had different visions about the direction of the box and together with Corona and our studies we decided to put the project ‘on hold’.